Thursday, February 8, 2007

Acme Cash Catapult

In this post about the U.S. sending pallets of cash to Iraq and then losing it, Shakespeare's Sister asks, "Did they not have the official Acme Cash Catapult available that day?" Here are some highlights of the comments:

Worst administration is history. Can't do anything right. Completely incompetent.

Actually, if they had used the Acme product, it might have actually gotten there. If there were no coyotes around.

I love how we can't help the homeless, but we're perfectly capable of printing several hundred tons of new money and then dumping it in the middle of a war zone. I'm sure some of it found its way home, though...

And yet the righties got all twitterpated when FEMA gave the refugees from Hurricane Katrina debit cards, as if that was the end of the world.

I love Bremer's response - something to the effect of since it was a war zone, they couldn't do modern accounting. Now correct me if I'm wrong here. Back when the Babylonians and Egyptians were fighting wars, did they send chariot-loads of coinage to the front? Is that how wars were fought before "modern accounting"? I'm just curious.

Really. Didn't the Chinese invent the abacus a few millenia ago?

There's a reason for sending tons of cash ... and it has everything to do with corruption. Cash transactions are nearly untraceable. In the US, possession of large amounts of cash is routinely used by law enforcement as credible evidence of criminal intent. What disturbs me, is that this administration, can engage in such an obvious demonstration of its criminal intent, and not register as a blip with the MSM.

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