Sunday, February 18, 2007

Hillary: I'm Not Apologizing, Vote for Somebody Else

AMERICAblog takes a look at Hillary's refusal to apologize for her vote authorizing Bush to invade Iraq. There are over 450 comments. Here are a few:

If Hillary admits a mistaken vote, she will be ripped to pieces as a flip-flopper and weak on defense, and we will have 8 years of McCain or Mitt Romney. She has already said if she had the current facts, she would not make the vote. It is time to look past this, and take on the real enemies in 2008- the religious radical republican party. They have damagaged this almost beyond repair, we cannot let them do more by stupid infighting.

wow. so bascially she is saying, im not gonna say what you want, if you dont like it, vote for someone else. sounds good to me. screw you hillary.

I've been in Hillary's corner for so long it's just ridiculous, but for the last two years or so, I've become increasingly disillusioned by her absolute tone-deafness on the subject of this war. I will absolutely NOT vote for her in the primary; if she is the nominee in the general hurts my head to think about it.

i think hillary is counting on winning the primaries by default, and now is trying to win the general election.

She's digging in like chimpy, being stubborn. No thanks. If she voted for the war 1) To look tough because she knew she's run for Pres, or 2) Because she really believed that horsehit about Iraq----well, bad decision either way. Buh bye.

Twenty-three senators were not taken in by Bush. They showed independent and solid judgment. And they were right. She made a politically calculated guess and it turned out to be wrong. Her refusal to admit she made a bad judgment is not steadfastness, it is current political management of her earlier bad judgment.

once the false flag happens, and hillary votes for war with iran, then she will have another vote she wont apologize for.

The Clintons work in tandem with the Bush Crime family, they go waaaaay back. Bush Crime Family Flowchart 20Chart.HTML

C'mon now. Are you saying a woman with her money and power didn't know that the Niger yellowcake was a LIE? Fool me once................. Anybody with a brain and an Internet connection could find the truth out. She LIED, just like all the rest of em.

i personally think she thought that voting for the war would help her politically, make her look tough. turns out she was wrong.

That woman is a disgrace to this nation. I do not tolerate lies and liars, no matter what party they purport to belong to.

She will NEVER apologize, she doesn't have to. The only people that matter at this point is the lobbyists and the money men. The rest of us can shove off.

the internet is growing in power by the day, in 2000 there wasnt any blogs, no netroots. in 2004, blogs werent powerful enough yet. in 2008, we have the power.

Chris, the New World Order is two-hundred years in the making. They can shut the Internet down, and probably will. They will not allow us to make the choices that are ours. Nothing will change that, even the Internet. Outside of the Internet, NOTHING has changed.

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