Thursday, February 15, 2007

Stupid Is As Stupid Does

Okay, this is not exactly entirely 'from the left', but there are enough good comments from both conservatives and liberals on this particular post of an incredibly dim-witted attempt at humor by Fox News. The originating blog, 'Riehl World View', will not be put in my BlogRoll (as it is a right-wing site), but the blog that directed me to it, TBogg, will. To understand the context, watch this video.

is this a new attempt at wingnut humor? lol, conservatives are such failures

Let's see, a drug addict and a transvestite in the WH. Considering how low GW has set the bar, I think it's plausible. It's good to see that Rush's 'pain' has subsided and that he's feeding himself like a pig again.

Wow, what a stinking pil of monkey poop. That might be the least funny thing I have ever seen.

But of course the left would hate it...thats what its for.I have the elitist "spoof" news The Daily Show and then you have CNN, ABC, MSNBC, etc etc. Hell, they all take cheap shots at the conservatives and you find THAT funny. Of course...your all biased. Still..all that conservative hating and your news channels still can't beat Fox. The show may not go far, but it'll be fun watching you libs get your underwear in a bunch trying to destroy it.

Wingnuts just don't get comedy; they never will. Stuffy, angry people who can't accept that they aren't necesarily entitled to the privileges they demand don't really resonate with someone looking for a laugh. This is an attempted "comedy" show we're talking about. If you want to make comparisons (I know you guys prefer the dishonest ones) compare it to John Stewart or Colbert - you know, the shows Faux News is trying (pathetically) to emulate. No one will have to put forth any effort to destroy this show; it will fail all on its own, because it isn't funny to anyone with a comedy IQ any higher than AIDS jokes. Comedy is about making sharp observations about popular events, which is what the aforementioned comedians do - not making fun of the ideologically impure, simply because you don't like them. Like all Reaganite projects, this one will fail and conservatives will bark, and seethe, and whine about bias and the evil libruls trying to destroy them. Somehow this failure will be Clinton's fault.

I have to roll my eyes every time I hear some conservative whine about how Jon Stewart only makes fun of conservatives. Sure, he probably makes fun of conservatives more than he makes fun of liberals, but you know why that might be? BECAUSE YOU GUYS WERE IN CONTROL OF ALL THREE BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT FOR SIX FREAKING YEARS.

One wonders how someone can grow up in America, supposedly going to public school for 13 years, and be as truly stupid as some of the liberals here. A testament to our public education system, I suppose, which is why I have my children in private school.

"which is why I have my children in private school." You think that keeps them safe from the liberals? Guess what I do for a living?

The Daily Show also has the advantage in that, while the writers and host may have a liberal bias that naturally gives one the overall sense that it is a liberal show, the show's conception of itself actually doesn't have a liberal agenda or "mandate", if you will. If a democratic candidate does or says something particularly silly TDS will make fun of it, and it regularly takes the position that both sides suck. However, if you set out to make an explicitly conservative news satire, you are going to end up harping endlessly on liberals while giving a pass to conservative targets who richly deserve skewering, even from other conservatives. It's going to seem forced and agenda-ridden if it does that. I mean, is it really political satire if it isn't going to make fearless fun of the President on a regular basis? Finally, Fox News can kiss "fair and balanced" goodbye forever, to the extent it hasn't already.

The reason libs are better at humor is they've had years of rejection to practice it. Years of hanging out by the drama department cutting yourself and making snide jokes about the jocks who didn't invite you to any of their keggers gives you chops. When you're a happy, optomistic, successful person, (and for LOL - successfull is usually defined by someone who doesn't need the government to take care of them or make laws so a college will accept them,) you don't cultivate that bitter angst that so many commedians have. And lets face it - The Daily Show is funny - but they NEVER have the balls to make fun of their own kind. We conservatives don't need our own comedy show as long as the libtards keep protesting. God, you couldn't write anything as funny as a bunch of stinky, dirty, quasi-retards, spewing bumper-sticker slogans and marching around with cute little signs with pictures of Bush with horns sticking out and Hitler mustaches drawn on. That is GOLDEN! ...and let them have their little comedy shows. I think our lives as conservatives, (happy, successful, monied, self-reliant) vindicates anything they can try to do to make us feel badly.

Well, I think I'm funny - but I spent years as an angry liberal. Then I got sober. People tend to want to be around happy, optomistic folks who don't try to guilt you out of your money. Nobody wants to hang with the angry "Negatarian" (my word for people so negative that they make a religion out of it,) except other angry Negatarians who have fallen into (what I call) their whirling vortex of misery.

RW, let's go over this a bit more slowly. Glenn Greenwald and tbogg are not doing the same thing. You see, Glenn Greenwald thinks rightwing nutballs are stupid and a colossal danger to the safety of the planet, so he is doing his best to convince more intelligent people to do whatever they can to stamp out rightwing nutball stupidity. Tbogg, on the other hand, thinks rightwing nutballs are stupid and is having a grand old time making fun of rightwing nutballs. Now it is true that both gentlemen think that rightwing nutballs are stupid, but let's be honest -- there are many, many people across the face of planet Earth who think rightwing nutballs are stupid. This common trait does not mean that all of these millions of intelligent people are engaged in the same schtick.

this thread is hilarious, every post golden. except templar's: "why I have my children in private school." I'm sorry that you feel so surrounded by liberals in you daily life and feel the need to censor their content from your children. If liberalism is so fucked up, why not let them see and if they're smart enough, they'll make sense of it. But the terror won't let you. Templar, you seem like a really small, impotent person.

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