Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Spitters Are Back

In a recent post, Maha points out that the right is dredging up (and making up) old stories about soldiers returning home from war and getting spit on by war protesters. Here's what people had to say about that:

Righties must really be running scared to have to latch on to 35-year-old spit to discredit what amounts to the majority of Americans who want us out of Iraq. . . Im sure it’s quite possible that some people spit on somebody - goodness, some girls even ripped off their tops. Surprising that righties haven’t dug up some pictures of that shameless act. (Obviously loose women who wanted to get pregnant just so they could have abortions.) There must have been some gays in the crowds too - proof that degenerates are committed to destroying America.

perhaps it did not occur to them that somebody who spat on an exhausted and exhilirated young man staggering good and drunk (or in a hurry to get so) off a 10-hour Freedom Bird flight would have the automatic reaction of knocking the teeth back down the spitter’s throat. That we might have read about: “Crazed Vietnam Vet Assaults Dirty Saliva Launching Hippie Chick.” I never heard of such a thing at the time. Most of the anti-war demonstrations by the late 60s had as many Vietnam vets in a motley of uniforms as they did hippie chicks, and they didn’t seem to spend any time spitting on anybody. Mouths must have been too dry from chanting “Hey! Hey! LBJ! How many kids did you kill today!”

This is just a red herring that the right loves to tell and retell to get their righteous indignation juices flowing. It amazes me that anyone thinks this kind of thing was a regular occurrence. But the right is nothing if not hopelessly gullible.

If anything is being spat on, it’s the war itself. Ptui!

veterans who were in commercial airports in those days were not usually in groups, but traveling alone. So it was pretty absurd to think that organized protesters would be hanging out in airports to spit on them.

The right is filled with morons, six choppers down in Iraq this week and the nooze is all abuz about a psycho former astronut.
What happened to Michael Jackson? Ain’t it about time to drag his ass out for a thumpin? It’s gettin to the point where you can’t believe a gol-durned thing on the mainstream nooze, ‘cept Anna Nicole’s demise……

This war in Iraq will have ramifications for the next thirty years on the individuals who were thrown into the meat grinder and greeted with a few words on coming home and then left to their own devices.

I suspect those who “remember” being spat on are really voicing resentment that they weren’t treated as returning heroes (as their fathers were). They found their patriotism had been used to rip them off.

The soldiers don’t deserve any contempt, ever. If it ever happened, it was a grievous mistake. But I sure wouldn’t grieve if someone spat on Joe Lieberman or his ilk.

There are two recorded (on film) instances of civilians spitting on Vietnam Vets… One happened during the VVAW’s “March to Valley Forge” when a group of local VFW members tried to disrupt the march by shouting curses and throwing objects at the passing Vets…Those VFW members had been organised and financed by none other than Charles “Chuck” Colson of Nixon’s White House staff… The other was done by Republican delegates to the Republican National Convention in Miami in ‘72…The delegates (including several matronly women) reviled and spat at Ron Kovic and two other wheelchair-bound Vets who had been invited by California Congressman (and Korean War Marine Vet) Pete McCloskey to attend the convention… McCloskey’s invitation came after he had quelled a near riot outside the convention hall…The scene was described by Hunter Thompson in his epic Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail - ‘72… When the Republicans wish to lie about someone they usually accuse their targets of having done something of which they themselves are guilty… Which is another reason why you’ll never find a real Patriot in the Republican party any more…

D.R. — where can I find documentation of that? – Never mind; I found it. Comment by maha

You’re right, D.R. Another incident that was caught in photos was US soldiers shooting protesters at Kent State. Funny how the right never exaggerated that incident into something like the spitting legend.

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