Friday, February 9, 2007

Is Anna Nicole Smith Still Dead?

This post on the MSM's embarrassing obsessive coverage of Anna Nicole Smith's death on Think Progress is a breath of fresh air. Here are some of the best comments:

god help us when paris hilton kicks the bucket

One of the best moments in the history of TV journalism…Well done, Jack Cafferty!

The Dumbing Down of America.
Live! Tonite at 8:00!

What war? We want to see American women with augmented breasts too high on drugs to speak clearly. Now, that’s real news.

We shouldn’t be surprised. Networks are all about ratings and not about the news. They are all guilty.

They might as well rename the Cable News Network and call it the Celebrity Nonsense Network. That would be more accurate. But I guess they’re not about accuracy, are they?

while the PNAC plan has its gun sights set on Iran, and domestic dissidents, matters of life and death on a grand scale - yet by and large, the people haven’t a clue or a concern beyond their programmed ‘cult of celebrity.’ It’s so easy to see how the fascists have been able to do whatever they want without accountability or outpourings of moral indignation from the majority of US sheeple.

If people would simply look into who actually owns the mainline media outlets, the reality of the situation becomes blatantly obvious.

Now, news about Iraq. That was a country Anne Nicole Smith never went to.

turn off the damn TV !!
it is not a source of news.
plain and simple.
an electronic billboard, yes.
a propaganda machine, yes.
a news source, not since Reagan.

The media is simply a reflection of the culture. We can throw around percentage comparisons of coverage and babble on about how terrible it is that so much attention is given to it. And all these feelings are valid and justified. But, really, I think you are working yourself up into a frenzy over a blip on the radar screen. Celebrity crap, like feel-good animal stories, missing young white women, and Bill Clinton’s sex life are simply irresistible for our punditocracy and the majority of our semi-literate populace. Why can’t we just accept that?
This momentary attention to all things celebrity will fade away shortly and the American public will still have to face the stark realities that young Americans will still be dying in Iraq, their fellow citizens will still be imprisoned indefinitely without charge, rendered to other countries for torture, habeas corpus will still be suspended, the government will still be spying on them without a warrant, the Geneva Convention will still be considered “quaint” by this administration and the rich will still be getting richer while the rest of us get poorer.
So let them have their little celebrity roller coaster ride for the time being. They cannot run away from reality forever. As much as they try, reality will not let them escape. America, the day is coming to pay the piper. And it is not going to be pretty. There aren’t enough dead celebrities in the world to keep the day of reckoning at bay.

What is truly stupid though is all these stories acting as if her death was a tragedy. I mean, ANS is the perfect example of an idiot who had every chance handed to her and chewed it up, shiat it out, and flushed it all down the toilet. The media has spent years mocking her, and rightfully so, but now that she’s dead they are trying to make her america’s sweetheart and the victim of a mysterious tragedy.
Mysterious? Please. Her own family members have flat out said it wasn’t a surprise, due to her lifestyle, and that it is most likely from drugs. Yet STILL the media is painting it as a mystery and a tragedy for their own ratings self-interest. They are now hyping up someone they have spent years mocking to get ratings and that is low.
It tragedy isn’t that she died…it’s how she lived. The perfect example of someone who has everything but deserves nothing.

It’s not like the coverage of the war would’ve been honest anyway.

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