Monday, February 12, 2007

Draft Gore 2008!

Mike Stark writes about his support for Al Gore running for president in '08 on his Daily Kos diary. Here are some of the many many comments that people made in response:

I would definitely love to see Gore run, but I don't think he will. I would like to be proven wrong.

As a Canadian, I encourage all other Canadians to sign this petition. The whole world NEEDS Al Gore. Especially your friends next door. Let's make this a global effort!

Electorally, combined with the right VP, he can pick up states. Name me one state HRC will pick up from Bush's 04 tally. I think Ohio, Florida, New Mexico, Nevada, Colorado, and maybe even Arizona could all turn Blue with Gore at the top of the ticket. Gore-Obama '08

I'm not going to beg anyone to run for president. Why the hell should I beg someone to run? No thanks. The cult ideological worship of presidential candidates feels like a wingnut thing to me. They're the ones who want to carve Reagan on Mt. Rushmore and thought Dubya was Jesus Christ II for awhile.

Personally, I think Clinton was mediocre while Gore could be astounding. Perhaps it is because for Clinton the Presidency was the ultimate platform and for Gore it would simply be a vehicle for change. I would support Gore for the very simple reason that he doesn't need the Presidency. The Presidency needs him.

Does Obama really juice you up? Edwards? Hillary? I hope so 'cause if any of them takes the nomination, they're gonna need people who actually like them. Me? I'll give them a golf clap and whatever perfunctory bit of activism I can muster in light of the totally uninspiring choice handed to me. They're just warm bodies as far as I'm concerned. But Gore? I would quit my job to work for Gore. Because we need him. We need him way more than he needs the Presidency.

Al Gore is worth waiting for. Not just because we already know he'd make a great Preisdent, but because we know he can get elected (again).

Gore n Clark would be worth 16 years of rule!

Gore/Clark, Clark/Obama, Obama/...

24 years of brilliance, looks to me.

If he declares, it'll be a big ol' deal, media-wise. May as well wait as long as he can to have that media attention thrust him forward as campaign season heats up before that rush of attention sort of peters itself out. And remember, we political blog people (blog people! blog people!) are way ahead of the curve of the rest of the country in considering specifically who we want to support in the '08 election.

Of course I want him to run and restore decency and normalcy to this beleaguered country. I think it is his calling.

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